EP. 005 | How to Create Engaging Instagram Stories (a new strategy + formula)

Podcast Summary

In this episode, I share a powerful Instagram Story strategy to boost engagement for small business owners. I break down a simple formula to create captivating Instagram Stories that drive interaction and increase views. By repurposing existing posts, using poll stickers, and sharing valuable insights, this strategy aims to captivate audiences and save time. I want to emphasize the importance of leveraging psychology tactics and staying true to one's brand.

Episode Highlight

  • 00:35 The Importance of Instagram Stories

  • 01:19 Challenges with Consistency

  • 02:01 Breaking Down the Instagram Story Algorithm

  • 02:34 The New Instagram Story Strategy

  • 03:25 Implementing the Strategy: Step by Step

  • 07:09 The Impact of the Strategy

  • 07:49 The Benefits of Repurposing Content

  • 08:36 Conclusion and Call to Action


Mastering Instagram Stories: A Strategic Approach for Small Business Owners

As someone deeply immersed in the marketing world for over a decade, I've had my fair share of struggles with creating engaging Instagram Stories. Like many small business owners, lately, I have found myself underwhelmed by the lack of interaction and views my stories receive.

However, through months of trial and error, I've uncovered a formula and strategy that has significantly increased my Instagram story views and interactions. Today, I'm excited to share this game-changing strategy with you, offering a fresh perspective on captivating your audience through Instagram Stories.

Here is a quick visual look at the overall strategy for the story sequence that we are going to break down today!!

  • Slide One: Pull the audience into the main topic with a poll sticker, question sticker, or emoji sticker to foster conversation and engagement

  • Slide Two: Provide further context with examples, stories, and anecdotes to educate them a bit further

  • Slide Three: Lean into your own thoughts and opinions, and continue to provide value to your audience as the subject matter expert of your niche

  • Slide Four: Now you can share the post to your story, and provide a valuable call to action


Understanding the Instagram Stories Algorithm

It's no secret that every aspect of social media is governed by algorithms, and Instagram Stories are no exception. We've all heard various tips and tricks to boost story views, from waiting 24 hours before reposting to adding as many stickers as possible. However, as I discovered, these strategies didn't always yield the desired results. Instead, I went deeper into understanding the algorithm, testing out a new approach that incorporates psychology tactics and elements that resonate with the Instagram story algorithm.


Repurposing Feed Content for Story Sequences

Formula for Slide One: Pull the audience into the main topic with a poll sticker, question sticker, or emoji sticker to foster conversation and engagement

One of the key elements of my Instagram story strategy is the concept of repurposing content. Rather than racking my brain for unique ideas on a daily basis, I leverage existing Instagram posts as the foundation for my story sequences. By identifying the main topic of a recent post and using it to kickstart a conversation with my audience, I am able to seamlessly integrate my stories with my feed content. This not only provided additional context to my posts but also contributed to the organic flow of my Instagram presence.


Crafting Engaging Story Sequences

Formula for Slide Two: Provide further context with examples, stories, and anecdotes to educate them a bit further

The strategy revolves around a structured sequence of slides, aiming to engage the audience right from the outset and sustain their interest throughout. The first slide initiates the conversation by posing a question related to the main topic of the recent post. Adding interactive elements like poll stickers not only prompts engagement but also signals to the Instagram story algorithm that the content is resonating with the audience. Gradually, subsequent slides go deeper into the topic, providing context, examples, and personal anecdotes to foster a genuine connection with the viewers.


Positioning Yourself as a Thought Leader

Formula for Slide Three: Lean into your own thoughts and opinions, and continue to provide value to your audience as the subject matter expert of your niche

As the sequence progresses, it's crucial to inject your own opinions and thoughts, aiming to establish yourself as a thought leader in your niche. By sharing authentic insights and avoiding mere reposts or regurgitated ideas, you create a unique value proposition that resonates with your audience. This distinct voice not only sets you apart but also strengthens your credibility, garnering respect and trust from your viewers.


Strategically Sharing Instagram Feed Posts

Formula for Slide Four: Now you can share the post to your story, and provide a valuable call to action

The finale of the story sequence involves sharing the original post from your Instagram feed. By strategically placing it at the end, after delivering value and sparking engagement, you ensure that viewers have a comprehensive understanding of the topic. This approach also contributes to a higher watch rate for your entire story, as opposed to leading with a direct repost. Furthermore, it provides an opportune moment to include a call to action, directing your audience to a freebie, or product, or further engaging with your brand.


The Results and Benefits

Since implementing this Instagram story strategy, I've witnessed a remarkable improvement in my story engagement. With concise sequences comprising three to five slides, the audience is captivated throughout, leading to increased interactions and engagement.

Moreover, this approach aligns with the concept of repurposing content, easing the pressure of consistently generating new ideas. The strategy, while bolstering engagement, also caters to my energy levels as a content creator, affirming that I can effectively connect with my audience without being in front of the camera at all times.


EP. 006 | The 3 Tools You Need to Repurpose Your Content Across Social Media


EP. 004 | How to Create a Content Calendar on a Yearly, Monthly, and Weekly Basis